The Gozo Youth Orchestra are back again with Cash & Band where it all began. The Teatru Aurora, March 17, 2017 was the first time The Gozo Youth Orchestra, Cash & Band and 7SPP, collaborated on a project and Dark Side Over Gozo was born. What a night it turned out to be. A rock orchestral concert paying tribute to Pink Floyd’s unique classic album Dark Side of the Moon. The success of that night has spawned our other productions. Our projects have been performed in the Aurora and at the MCC in Valletta. Queen Meets Coldplay took our productions to new heights and we followed that up with Not Just The Wall. Both these productions sold out the Aurora and the MCC.

Now it’s 2022 and slowly things are getting back to some type of normality. We had been working on a new project and all we needed was a date. So on Saturday, May 7, 2022 following a long absence we were back. This time our production is called From The Beatles To U2. Fortune has smiled on us yet again and Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 4pm was made available to us by the management of the Teatru Aurora.


Our unique productions bring together some of the best musical talent Malta and Gozo can offer. These islands have a rich vein of musical talent which does not always get the right opportunities. We have always strived to give our performers the very best in sound, lighting and projection – all sourced locally. We are rightly proud of our local talent and are delighted to have them star in our productions.

Appearing with The GYO under the direction of Mro. Joseph Grech and Cash & Band, will be the 7SPP choir under the direction of Dorothy Bezzina. Our Maltese guest stars, Chris Grech, Neville Refalo and Ludwig Galea have never disappointed, they are top performers. Our Gozitan stars John (Cash) Cassar and Keith Anthony are approaching legendary status on Gozo. Sarah Bonnici is very well known and highly regarded on both islands. Kurt Cassar is a recent addition and continues in the family tradition of music and entertainment.

From the Beatles to U2 is made possible through the support of Festivals Malta, Arts Council Malta, Cultural Heritage Directorate within the Ministry for Gozo, General Soft Drinks Ltd, MTA, Paul Stellini Graphics, Duke Boutique Hotel, Aurora Bistro Café’ and CVC Media.

Online booking is open at

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