A medical specialist at Mater Dei Hospital has complained about the number of disposable gloves, masks and wipes littering her commute to work.

The collage image of the 24 instances of gloves and masks found litteringTriq Nazju Ellul, in Gżira, on Friday evening.The collage image of the 24 instances of gloves and masks found litteringTriq Nazju Ellul, in Gżira, on Friday evening.

A female radiographer posted a collage image to her Facebook page showing 24 instances of disposable plastic gloves, masks, wipes and tissues left littering Nazju Ellul Street in Gżira.

The individual images were taken on Friday evening on her way home from work. She said she had been using the route to avoid the buses but had seen the road get progressively worse since Monday.

“This is simply disgusting! All these wipes, masks, tissues and gloves were found in just one street,” she said in her Facebook post.

It’s not fair because it puts people’s lives at risk, even those who clean the streets

“I posted this more out of anger. It was already bad on Monday. On Tuesday, it was worse. By Wednesday and Thursday, it had escalated. Friday came along and it was bad.”

She expressed her anger that such personal protective items were not being properly disposed of, especially considering the fears about transmission of the coronavirus.

“It’s not fair because it puts people’s lives at risk, even those who clean the streets. It also has the potential to harm hedgehogs, cats and other wildlife in the area.”

She added that her experience was not uncommon at this time.

Colleagues had also discussed their own anecdotes of seeing these same items strewn in gutters in places like Buġibba and Sliema. “If you are going to use masks and gloves, please dispose of them properly in a closed bin! Don’t be selfish and throw away possibly infected items outside.

“Protect others around you too,” she urged the public.

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