Provost of the Oratorians of St Philip’s Convent, Senglea
Born in Senglea, son of Antonio and Maddalena née Borg, Angelo attracted attention for his piety and diligence as an altar-boy and a singer in the parish choir. On 26 May 1877 he was ordained priest by Archbishop Carmelo Scicluna. While remaining a diocesan priest, he chose to live a community life at St Philip’s convent in Senglea as an Oratorian, at a period when the Oratorians of St Philip had no vocations at all.
Everyone admired Raggio for his spirituality; from 1882 till the end of his life Raggio was the provost, that is the superior of the Oratorians. He was often helped by a few priests, but it was never enough to satisfy the spiritual needs of those who expected everything from the church of St Philip.
Raggio preached in popular missions and spiritual exercises all over Malta. St Philip, or Porto Salvo Church, found in him a priest fully devoted to all the needs of not less than half of the Senglea parishioners, although he disliked the fact that many persons preferred him to others.
Raggio was highly appreciated as a spiritual director for priests, who included Michael Gonzi, the future archbishop. His counsels were precious because he lived as he preached. He taught cathecism to children. Conscious of the temporal and spiritual poverty of so many families, he did his utmost to help poor widows and to assist the sick.
Raggio helped many to realize their vocations to the priesthood or to a religious life.
In 1907, when there were attempts to remove the Oratorians of Senglea’s from St Philip’s convent, Raggio insisted successfully that a community of priests should remain there because of their pastoral work.
In 1920 Pope Benedict XV honoured Raggio with the title of domestic prelate. In 1921, Archbishop Caruana nominated him a monsignor. He never expected any honours, but he was afraid not to accept them because he did not want to offend his superiors who were demonstrating their esteem towards him. In his old age, Raggio continued to live in poverty and was full of love towards everyone.
This biography is part of the collection created by Michael Schiavone over a 30-year period. Read more about Schiavone and his initiative here.