Medical Doctor and Composer of L-Innu Malti

Composer of the National Anthem L-Innu Malti, Samut was born in Floriana. He was a doctor by profession, having studied at Edinburgh University graduating MB., and Ch.M. He followed post-graduate studies in Liverpool, obtained DTH and eventually was appointed professor of pathology, bacteriology and physiology at RUM.

Samut played  with an amateur orchestra and wrote the music for a hymn to be performed by it.  This music was taken up by the King’s Own Band of Valletta and later lyrics were set to it by Dun Karm*, the National Poet. This was the genesis of the national anthem which was first performed in a concert held on 27 December 1922. It is also recorded that this hymn was played for a second time at the Manoel Theatre on 3 February 1923. 

Samut died at Sliema. 

This biography is part of the collection created by Michael Schiavone over a 30-year period. Read more about Schiavone and his initiative here.

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