Young Maltese footballers' dream of going through the same learning process that produced a player of David Beckham's calibre, became a reality in the past few days as the world-renowned Bobby Charlton Soccer School started functioning at the Luxol grounds in St Andrews.

Chief school co-ordinator in Malta, Paul Falzon, yesterday gave more details of the activities underway during a press conference.

He said the idea of bringing over to Malta the Bobby Charlton School, established by the former England World Cup winner himself 24 years ago, first got in his mind four years ago when he was living in England.

"My son was enrolled in that school and I was impressed with the facilities and the learning techniques explained to young footballers during training sessions. I had a long chat with the organisers but, unfortunately, at that time we did not have the facilities needed to bring the Bobby Charlton School here," Falzon said.

"However, since then our facilities were significantly upgraded and all requirements were met when the school's technical staff visited our premises for inspection. We finally got the go-ahead and now the school is open for Maltese youngsters as well."

The school, open for those between five and 16 years, is already functioning. This week, over 120 footballers started a 10-week course which includes various training sessions under the supervision of six foreign coaches, including Marsaxlokk's Roger Walker, and all under the supervision of head coach Matt Johnson.

Falzon said the school will be operating all year round and offers various courses designed to make practising co-ordination and teamwork fun by turning a sports pitch into a cross between a theme park and an adventure playground.

Johnson was present for the launching yesterday. He said during the Christmas holidays the school will be organising two soccer bonanzas.

These include two three-day courses, between 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m., open for all categories between December 21 and 23 and January 3 and 5.

Family weekend activities

The school also holds family weekend activities during which parents will attend a free session on how to aid the child's development.

"We will focus our sessions on improving the agility, balance and ball control of the players which are an essential part in the development of a youngster," Johnson explained. "We have brought over equipment from our headquarters in Manchester to make these sessions the most enjoyable possible (see picture)."

Pippo Psaila, nursery director at Luxol, said the school will certainly be of great benefit for the young footballers involved. He urged parents to give their children a chance to take part in this unique experience.

Certainly, he said, the school can help them develop their football skills and establish a stronger character.

Also present for the launching yesterday was Manuel Borg, representative of Urban Jungle, the main sponsors of the school. One may obtain more details by phoning 21-376652.

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