Mill-Ġrajja għall-Ballata: a collection of ballads
by Charles Bezzina
self-published, 2023
A ballad, in simple terms, is a story in verse; very often history in verse. It is essentially a tale, frequently with legendary undertones, passing from generation to generation. It is indeed one of the most ancient types of literature, complementing poetry, both classically and in popular folklore. In bygone years, it was also set to music and, admittedly, became the troubadour’s main source of earning a living and, particularly, in serenading some pretty damsel.
Charles Bezzina is one of Gozo’s best poets and one of the most prolific in his genre. He complements his lines with varied and highly coloured backdrops, thus earning for himself a style of his own.
This time, Bezzina has turned to the ballad, 14 of them, all tied with tales and events that mark Gozo, its history and its glorious legends. As he has always done in his numerous collections of poems, Bezzina this time has coloured his lines with the most exquisite hues, each ballad alternating between lyrical poetry and sheer music. An added bonus here, and a very innovative one at that, is the sense of a Gothic mysterious aura that spreads over a good number of these ballads, making them even more exciting to read and enjoy.
Mill-Ġrajja għall-Ballata opens with an expansive and deep critical study by Patrick Sammut, a welcome prelude to pave the way to 14 Gozitan stories that deal with all traits of human tragedy, drama, romance, legends and what have you.
All are a joy to read, particularly It-Tfajla tax-Xtajta, It-Tfal tal-Irdum, Il-Ballata tal-Gwerra, Misteru ta’ Tifla, Ix-Xwejjaħ li Nġarr mal-Wied, Tifkira, Il-Ballata taż-Żewġ Maħbubin, and Il-Ballata tal-Għarqa ħdejn Ħondoq ir-Rummien, which occurred on October, 30, 1948, a most tragic event, the commotion of which, at nine years of age, I can still clearly remember.
This is a book that is a must for all aficionados of history and legends, but particularly of the ballad at its best and its finest. It understandably closes with a detailed biography and bibliography of the author himself.
Financially supported by Wirt Kulturali, Ministry for Gozo, this book, the first of its kind to be published 51 years after Anton Buttigieg’s ballads of 1972, is another coveted gem to be added to local literature, a gem in the crown of the Maltese language.