Updated 9.24pm

Labour MP Sir Lindsay Hoyle has been elected Speaker of the House of Commons. The result was announced around 9.20pm by the Father of the House, the oldest MP, Sir Kenneth Clarke.

Sir Lindsay Hoyle, defeated  Labour colleague Chris Bryant and won the overall contest polling 325 votes out of the 540 cast. 

Seven MPs  put themselves forward to replace Bercow, whose shouts of "Order! Order!" have rung out across the House of Commons since June 2009.

Lindsay Hoyle, Bercow's deputy since 2010, was the odds-on favourite. 

The newly-elected Speaker will not have too long to get comfortable as parliament will be dissolved late Tuesday for the December 12 election, after which they will return.

Key Brexit player 

Chosing a new speaker has been an unremarkable event in the past, but Bercow became a key player in the tortuous process of Britain's exit from the European Union.

With the Commons divided over how, when and even if Brexit should happen, he oversaw more than three years of crucial debates that defined the course of Brexit.

His supporters say he has empowered ordinary MPs through granting time for emergency debates and amendments, which had the effect of tying ministers' hands.

But critics accused him of subverting centuries of parliamentary tradition with the aim of frustrating Brexit.

Bercow, who was a Conservative MP before he took on the politically neutral role of speaker, has also been accused of failing to tackle a culture of bullying.

Last week, Johnson paid guarded tribute, likening Bercow's glare to a "trademark Tony Montana scowl", after Al Pacino's character in the 1983 film "Scarface".

Opposition Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn praised his modernising reforms, which included increasing staff diversity, boosting public access to parliament and switching from traditional robes to suits.

But it was his colourful personality and eccentric performances in parliament that gave him an international profile -- and a significant following on social media.

A mash-up by German television of footage of Bercow calming rowdy MPs has been seen more than a million times. A Belgian newspaper called him "irreplaceable". 

Bercow's deputy since 2010

Hoyle has been a Labour MP for 22 years and was Bercow's deputy from 2010, since when his distinctive Lancashire accent has rung out from the speaker's chair. 

The 62-year-old is as unimpressed as his predecessor by the shouting and braying from MPs, once chastising Scottish Nationalists for humming the EU anthem "Ode to Joy" in the chamber.

Hoyle pledged in an interview published in the Sunday Times -- in which he introduced his parrot "Boris" -- to repair what he claims has become a "toxic parliament".

"I don't want the abuse of each other and I think we have got to close that down quickly and make sure it is a calmer place to be," he said.


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