Nine mini-companies formed by students representing their Sixth Form colleges made it to the annual trade fair, organised by Junior Achievement YE (Young Enterprise) Malta Foundation.

They exhibited their innovative business projects after months of preparation at Piazza Tigné, The Point, Sliema. JA-YE (Malta) Foundation, formerly known as Young Enterprise, is an international organisation in the field of entrepreneurship education.

“This year’s proposals include numerous products and services with considerable focus on the environment and social impact.

“Apart from being promising entrepreneurs, students are en­couraged to manage their mini-enterprise in a responsible and ethical manner. After all, these youths are the leaders of tomorrow’s society,” said JA-YE (Malta) Foundation chairman Michael Ellul Vincenti.

“HSBC supports Junior Achievement-Young Enterprise Malta because it believes in the way it empowers and educates young people to value free enterprise, business and economics.

“Together with others from reputable businesses, HSBC offers these students the opportunity to manage their mini-enterprises under the supervision of our professional guidance, learn about business and enterprise and develop teamwork, communication, innovation and negotiation skills,” said Josef Camilleri on behalf of the HSBC Malta Foundation.

Through the HSBC Company Programme, JA-YE (Malta) Foundation offers Sixth Form students the opportunity to start up a mini-company, utilise their own business idea and market and sell the finished product or service. This is a learning-by-doing experience for students to own their own business.

HSBC Bank Malta plc is the main sponsor of JA-YE (Malta) Foundation, which is also supported by Deloitte, Microsoft Malta Ltd and Atlas Insurance PCC Ltd.

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