Preparations for carnival week, with its extravagantly coloured floats and companies in costume, are in full swing. One of the island’s oldest festivities, harking back to the rule of the Knights of the Order of St John, will be celebrated across Malta and Gozo this week.

For four days, the streets will come to life with marching bands, fancy dress competitions and dancers in elaborate costumes. The highlight of the celebration is the carnival float parade featuring impressive floats, some allegorical, some satirical and others just plain fun.

For a more unique experience, one can visit Nadur where carnival takes on a more macabre mood.

Carnival kicks off in Nadur today with a grand celebration in the main square. Celebrations continue with a spontaneous carnival during the evenings, starting on February 21.

Carnival in Victoria, from February 21 to 25, features street parades with grotesque masks, dance companies, floats, bands, hilarious sketches and the traditional Komittiva.

This year, the King Carnival float has been commissioned to the Leone Philharmonic Society. Other floats are being constructed by volunteers of the Labonski Carnival Company of Victoria.

Carnival celebrations are also held in other Gozitan localities.

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