Concern about euthanasia
After a meeting between Pope Francis and Spanish bishops, Cardinal Juan Jose Omella of Barcelona said the Pope is concerned about the euthanasia bill that will be discussed by the Spanish senate.
"I believe it’s not only about dying or not dying, but also [about] pain and accompaniment. When one receives treatment for pain and feels accompanied by family and professionals, one wants to live," said the cardinal.
"Death is not the end," Omella said. "It's the door to the other side. If we know how to share this with the person who's ill, perspectives change. But if we say that this is it, we’re taking hope and spirituality away, things we all carry in our heart. The human person is called to eternity and love."

Always going out
In his Angelus address last Sunday, Pope Francis said:
"The Church needs to be like God: always going out; and when the Church does not go out, it becomes sick with the many evils we have in the Church. And why are these illnesses in the Church? Because she does not go out.
"It is true that when someone goes out there is the danger of getting into an accident. But it is better a Church that gets into accidents because it goes out to proclaim the Gospel, than a Church that is sick because it stays in.
"God always goes out because He is a Father, because He loves. The Church must do the same: always going out."

Fighting human trafficking
Bishop Thomas Pulloppillil of Bongaigoan in Assam, India, said:
"Human trafficking is rampant, especially of young girls from the region within the country and abroad. Traffickers mostly prey on girls from economically weaker sections, especially those living in poverty.
"Unless we make concerted efforts, the future of our youths is in danger and it will be a great disservice to them and also the nation. Human trafficking is badly affecting the future of our youth in the region; we are united in this fight." 

(Compiled by Fr Joe Borg)

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