The wonderful festive season is soon upon us and Malta’s foremost winery, Emmanuel Delicata Winemaker, is making it extra special this year with great give-away prizes to reward your loyal custom.

Delicata is giving a little back this Christmas and anyone is in with a chance to win.

All you have to do to enter the winery’s Christmas prize draw is to pick up a bottle of your favourite Delicata wine this month from any shop in Malta or Gozo, and go to the official Facebook page @DELICATAwinery to register.

Fingers crossed that you, too, will be one of 12 lucky winners that get drawn randomly before December 20. 

Each winner will receive a limited signature double magnum bottle (three litres) of Delicata’s 2017 Gran Cavalier Syrah Riżerva, which comes complete with its bespoke wooden box, a collectible sommelier’s apron, corkscrew and six Delicata souvenir wine glasses.

With a corker of a prize like this and a vast selection of Delicata wines to choose from, deciding what wine to pick this Christmas is a no-brainer.

Why play vinous Russian roulette in front of seemingly endless shop shelves of unfamiliar wines, wondering what to buy this time of year?

Thanks to Delicata’s cornucopia of well-known award-winning Maltese wines, there’s no need to manoeuvre the shopping trolley around bends and corners or to waste precious time deciphering labels of unfamiliar bottles when you could be preparing that grand meal.

Instead head straight for the trusted Delicata section. And, if you’re still not sure what particular style or varietal to get to complement your holiday feast, you can message the winery’s wine expert.

Simply drop Delicata a question using Facebook Messenger to find out what Delicata wine best matches your favourite fare. Whether it’s roast turkey breast, traditional timpana and Christmas pudding, or fancier rabbit liver parfait, duck tortellacci, saffron risotto with pan-fried salmon or more exotic dishes, there’s always a perfect Delicata wine match.

The winery takes all the guesswork out of choosing the right wine for the big day.

Better still, your loyal custom may just get rewarded with a fabulous prize that includes a highly-collectible double magnum of one of Malta’s most iconic wines.

Georges Meekers is Delicata’s head of marketing and an award-winning wine writer.

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