Christmas is just around the corner. It’s time to celebrate with friends and family. Indeed, this festive season is often associated with eating and drinking and buying gifts. 

Yet, this most wonderful time of the year can also result in extra water consumption. Christmas is celebrated right when it is celebrated with your loved ones hence if you are having guests over during this special time of the year, remember that with just a bit of thought and care, you can save lots of water this Christmas. 

To help you celebrate in a sustainable way, we have seven eco-friendly tips to help with your festive season preparations so you can have a merry and sustainable Christmas.

Try out these seven tips to help save water for the holiday season:

  • Choose your pans wisely – If boiling is part of your recipe, choose the right-sized pan for what you’re cooking
  • Defrost frozen food in the fridge – be prepared
  • Use a single glass a day
  • Go easy on your kettle – If you’re popping the kettle on, only boil what you need. As well as saving water, you’ll use less energy and it’ll boil faster•
  • Recycle leftover water
  • Scrape instead of rinse
  • Pile up the plates - A full dishwasher uses less water than washing by hand, so let the dishes pile up. If you’re hosting a houseful, you’ll have a full load soon enough!

Remember, simple changes can help us make huge improvements in water conservation. Don’t let the busy holiday season keep you from applying good water saving habits.

Make some extra efforts as you plan your domestic events for Christmas, and reap the rewards. 

Happy festive season from the ‘Water Be the Change’ Team.

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