Today, the Church in Malta is marking Charity Day, which is held every year on the third Sunday after Easter.

This year, the following Church entities will be benefitting from donations that the public is invited to offer: Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Caritas, Fondazzjoni Sebħ, the Church’s old people’s homes, the Migrants’ Commission, the Peace Laboratory, the Jesuit Refugee Service, St Jeanne Antide Foundation, the Milennium Chapel, Paolo Freire Institute, Dar Merħba Bik, Dar Osanna Pia, Dar Hosea, Dar Frate Jacoba, Segretariat Assistenza Soċjali, Fondazzjoni Paċi u Ġid and Suret il-Bniedem.

Donations may be made by means of an SMS text message or a phone call as follows: to donate €11.65 send an SMS to 5061 9270; to donate €20 call 5100 2037; to donate €50 call 5190 2072.

During 2020 over 1,600 people lived in Church residential homes. These include children, youths, elderly people, people with special needs, people being given help to overcome drug dependency, migrants and refugees who live in Church homes, domestic violence victims, women involved in prostitution and homeless people. In addition, some 1,300 families are being given assistance by parish priests through the parish diaconate service.

Archbishop Charles Scicluna will be celebrating Mass today at 9.30am at the chapel of the Missionaries of Charity, known as the Sisters of Mother Teresa, in Cospicua. The Mass will be transmitted live.

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