Confinements, schools, shops and borders closed, gatherings banned. Here are the main measures being taken in Europe to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus.


Citizens are obliged to stay at home in Belgium, France, Italy and Spain, except for medical attention, getting exercise or essential shopping.

The Italian government announces some lockdown measures will be extended beyond their original deadline. 

The province of Tyrol in western Austria is under quarantine and the rest of the country confined, with movement strictly limited.

The Czech Republic closes 21 towns and villages.

Germans are told to carry out social distancing and Russians to limit their contacts with others.

Britons have been told to avoid "non-essential contact". Elderly people and pregnant women there are advised to go into isolation for three months.

Legislation is introduced in London to allow arrests for public health reasons.

Portugal declares a state of emergency, making it easier for the government to reduce people's movements.

Greece and Italy have imposed a 14-day quarantine on all arrivals. Athens has also restricted the movement of migrants on the Aegean islands.

People returning from the main coronavirus hotspots must stay at home for two weeks in Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Norway, Russia and Slovakia.

Borders controlled, closed

The European Union has imposed an entry ban on travellers from outside the bloc for 30 days.

Germany has suspended a Syrian refugee intake programme with Turkey.

Hungary and Spain have closed their land borders.

Turkey has closed its borders with Greece and Bulgaria.

Germany has stepped up border controls with several countries, including France, which has reciprocated, only allowing through goods transport and border workers.

Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Lithuania and Slovakia have closed their borders to foreigners, with Slovakia excepting Poles.

Russia has closed its land borders with Norway and Poland.

Austria has closed its border with Italy and Switzerland.

Schools closed

Schools, universities and creches are closed in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal,  Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine. In Sweden only high schools and universities are closed.

Britain will join the list on Friday.

Gatherings banned 

In Belgium, Cyprus, France and Italy all gatherings are banned.

Different countries have set widely different caps on the number of people who can get together.

In Turkey, collective prayers are suspended and places of worship closed.

Businesses closed 

Austria, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Ukraine have ordered the closure of all places admitting the public.

Non-essential shops are closed in Andorra, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain.

Restaurants, bars, nightclubs and cinemas are closed all over Europe including pubs in Ireland and brothels in the Netherlands.

Hungary has closed public places but not shops, while Greece has closed its museums and archaeological sites.

Transport disrupted 

Britain has grounded most of its air fleet.

France is reducing long-distance transport, while public transport is reduced in Paris.

Luxembourg has also cut public and air passenger traffic.

Poland has cancelled all domestic flights.

Austria has suspended rail and air links with Italy, and flights with Britain, France, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine.

Turkey has suspended air links with six countries, Bulgaria with Italy and Spain, and Romania with Italy.

All flights to Malta are suspended as from Saturday.

Slovenia has halted public transport.

London has closed dozens of underground stations.

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