A court this afternoon heard the harrowing life story of a troubled teen who was constrained to live with his family, despite the toxic environment at home, because no placement could be found for him. 

The 16-year-old boy, whose name cannot be named by court order, was arrested after slightly injuring his younger brother, causing him and his mother fear that violence would be used against them and threatening them. 

His probation officer testified that his condition was a highly precarious one and that the youth had a heavy synthetic drug addiction problem. 

The boy had been placed under a care order at a young age, the officer testified.

However, when he was around 10 years old, he ended up with nowhere to live due to his challenging behaviour and was therefore sent back to his mother.

He was placed under probation at the age of 12, going on to spend some time at the Young People's Unit at Mount Carmel Hospital before a placement was sourced for him. 

He was doing well, the probation officer told the court, until he returned to his family home where a host of problems and run-ins with the law ensued. 

"Whenever he goes back home, he always ends up in the same situation", the probation officer told Magistrate Charmaine Galea. 

Tthere is no residential facility in Malta which caters for minors with drug problems.- Probation officer

The probation officer also underscored the fact that, so far, there is no residential facility in Malta which caters for minors with drug problems. However, given the acuteness of his case, Agenzija Sedqa was considering admitting him in a bid to offer the youth a sense of stability and security. 

Police inspector John Spiteri told the court that the prosecution's interest was that the youth was provided with help and treatment, allowing each of his problems to be tackled individually. 

"He is currently treading down a path to destruction and we wish for him to turn around. If his past was not a happy one, we wish to ensure that his future is different," Insp. Spiteri said. 

The court sentenced him to three months imprisonment, telling  the youth that he will be followed by his probation officer and a team of social workers. 

"It all depends on you. They will help you but you must be ready to help yourself," Magistrate Galea told the youth, who nodded in response. 

The court also issued a three-year protection order in favour of the youth's mother and brother.

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