People seeking authorisation to travel to Malta from countries classified as dark red must as of today complete a new form available online. 

The online form, which can be accessed at, replaces the previous method of requesting travel permission, which was sending an email request to

Health authorities announced the change on social media. The new form must be filled in by anyone seeking travel authorisation as of September 1. 

Travel from countries on Malta's ‘dark red’ list is only allowed in exceptional circumstances, and travellers must receive prior approval from the Superintendent of Public Health.

All travellers coming to Malta from dark red zones or countries must undergo 14 days of mandatory quarantine, even if they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. 

Maltese residents who are returning home from a red zone or country must also fill in the new online form and obtain prior permission to quarantine at home and avoid paying €1,400 to quarantine in a hotel.

As of Wednesday, anyone emailing will receive an automated email directing them to the online form. 

The Health Authorities said that all requests received prior to 12pm on September 1 will be processed as soon as possible. Any requests sent in after that time must be submitted through the online form.

Difference between travel from Red Zones and Dark Red Zones Photo: Screengrab from Health Ministry websiteDifference between travel from Red Zones and Dark Red Zones Photo: Screengrab from Health Ministry website

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