Updated at 5.30pm

A male cyclist has been killed after he was hit early on Friday morning by a driver just past the new Kappara flyover.

The police said that the 53-year-old Serbian cyclist succumbed to his injuries shortly after getting to Mater Dei hospital.

The car involved was being driven by a 35-year-old Libyan man who lives in Msida.

The accident occurred at 5.45am, causing massive tailbacks on this busy road.

Police are investigating. 

Cycling lobby highlight inadequate road planning

Malta's leading cycling advocacy group reacted by expressing concern for the way in which large infrastructural projects, such as that for the Kappara flyover, were being planned. 

Many cyclists were forced to risk their lives by cycling along main thoroughfares, with poorly-designed infrastructure often featuring no continuous cycling lanes adhering to international safety standards, the Bicycling Advocacy Group said. 

In a statement, BAG said that Transport Minister Ian Borg had contacted them this morning following the fatal Kappara flyover incident to assure them that cycling infrastructure would be prioritised in large-scale road projects in Marsa and Attard. 

"B.A.G. will continue pressing authorities for safer roads and better
enforcement in its bid to promote cycling as a feasible and effective way of commuting for daily needs," the group said. 


The incident happened on the new Kappara junction.The incident happened on the new Kappara junction.

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