This year's edition of Festival Mediterranea returns with the exclusive Hypogeum tours led by renowned archaeologist David Trump, and other heritage-related events.

Two tours will be held on Monday between 3 and 4 p.m., and on October 31 at the same time. Places for these tours are limited and are strictly assigned on a first- come, first-served basis.

Other events led by Dr Trump will include a visit to Kordin III and Tarxien temples on Monday; a visit to Ġgantija and the Gozo Stone Circle, and a lecture on Digging up History: Archaeology in Malta and Elsewhere on October 28; a half-day seminar, titled Malta and Italy: The Archaeological Links on October 30; and a visit to Tas-Silġ complex on October 31.

Bookings for these events may be made on 2155 0985.

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