I love Gozo. I am proud to be a Gozitan. However, I’m afraid we are destroying the harmony of this small but unique island.

Gossiping and grumbling are the biggest proof of human dissatisfaction. Yet, I find it very strange why, in certain situations, we Gozitans fail to have the courage to come forward and fight for our Gozitan dignity.

The mafia in Gozo has very deep roots, especially among those who should care, defend and be responsible for the welfare of Gozo. What is the point of us Gozitans winning thousands of battles but are not able to win over ourselves? In other words, to dedicate ourselves to our community. To others. To all Gozitan citizens, whatever the colour.

A bird steady on a branch is not afraid it will break off because its trust is not in the branch but in its ability to fly.

At the moment, in Malta and Gozo, we are experiencing a horrible cultural crisis. The new law is myself, my pocket, my things. Laura Pausini said: “There are no instructions how to use our life, everyone has his own pencil.”

There is no greater wealth in our life than peace of mind.

My fear is that, in Gozo, we are trying to make other people feel as if they are personally responsible for all the mistakes happening there. We see only power, money, clientelism and, especially, the colour of one’s political party. We must remember, though, that whoever sows thorns must avoid walking barefoot.

Yes, indeed, we have destroyed the beauty and harmony of the island of Gozo. We lost the meaning of aesthetics in our squares, roads and, especially, our buildings. A clear example is St Francis Square: no proportions. No conformity.

I am proud to be a Gozitan. I love my beloved small island and will always try to defend its identity. Why are we destroying the simplicity, the beauty and charm of our dear Gozo?

I wonder whether the Gozo minister is aware of the destruction taking place on the island of Calypso. Just look at what is happening in Marsalforn, Xlendi, Xagħra and elsewhere. I hear our forefathers in our cemeteries shouting: “Stop these vandals.”

Does the minister feel responsible for what is going on?

When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, we will realise we cannot eat money.

I wonder whether the Gozo minister is aware of the destruction happening on the island of Calypso- Fr Charles Cini

We are becoming like balloons, full of sentiment and depression, in a world of safety pins. The problem is truth triumphs alone while lies always need an accomplice.

The life of man today has become very artificial and lacks values. Those who have it all depend on politics and their political colour.

Man has no direction, he fills his heart with substitutes –power, money, drugs – but his heart is empty and we abuse one another.

Man has a right to justice and freedom. Every human being has a name, personality and enjoys diversity. Our name is, for every one of us, the first certificate of our personality and of the importance of our unique history.

We must now face the tempest we ourselves created before it is too late. Let us, in Malta and Gozo, try to obtain the gift of new optics as we look around us in our world.

We must rediscover the desire to be daring as we face the chaotic situation we are living in: politicians seem to have become deaf, we have given up our identity, our culture, our tradition, our history and our faith. If the beauty and identity of our unique islands of Malta and Gozo are to be saved, we urgently need to exercise solidarity.

Let us heed what a famous politician used to stress: not to close one’s mouth. Truth must be the main principle we build upon. But let us be respectful to others, behave in an educated manner and stop thinking we are always right.

I end with the words of Fulton Sheen and Charles Bukowski respectively:

“Evil may have its hour but God will have His day.”

“I have no time nor also the wish to justify myself. I have no time for hypocritical people. I have no time for all that has no soul. I have no more time to waste.”

Fr Charles Cini SDB is a member of the Salesians of Don Bosco.


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