The Malta Developers' Association has set up a new section to represent the interests of operators in condominium administration and building management. 

The new section will protect the interests of those whose business is taking care of common areas in shared buildings, such as in blocks of flats. This includes building maintenance and bureaucratic processing. 

Twenty members form part of this section that collectively manages some 2,000 properties.  

MDA president Michael Stivala said the new section reflects the massive growth of the letting sector over the past years. 

“This rapid expansion has created new challenges for condominium administrators in residential properties, building management operators of commercial properties, as well as the tenants of both residential and commercial properties,” he said.

A 2022 report on the Maltese rental market says 37,976 leases were active by the end of 2021. 

Andrew Xuereb of Realhouse Management was unanimously elected as head of the section. Joanna Xuereb (MG administrators) and Yosef El Khatib (Regent Property Services) will assist him.  

The new section will adopt the motto 'improving your quality of life and value of your property'. 

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