Fr David Farrugia has been appointed archpriest of the Santa Marija parish in Dingli.

Born on April 24, 1979, Farrugia studied philosophy and theology at the University of Malta.

He was ordained priest in June 2004 and has served at the Tarxien, in Luqa, at Ħal Farruġ, Santa Luċija and Safi. He was also the spiritual director of the boys' secondary school at San Benedittu College in Kirkop and chaplain of the Junior College.

There are 3,692 parishioners in Dingli.

Another new appointment is that of Fr Ivan Scicluna as parish priest of Safi.

Scicluna was born on March 24, 1970, and graduated as a nurse and in theology from the University of Malta. He was ordained priest in June 2003.

He served at the Diocesan Vocations Centre and in the parishes of Senglea, Rabat, Santa Luċija, Tarxien, Gudja and Safi. He was also parish priest of the St Vincent de Paul Residence.

The Safi parish has 2,198 parishioners.

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