The Doctors for life group on Tuesday praised the authorities for always treating ectopic pregnancy seriously, pointing out that no pregnant mother has lost her life for the past 10 years.

The group was reacting after NGO Doctors for Choice reported that a woman had claimed her life was "needlessly put at risk" because of a two-day wait for authorisation before she could undergo treatment to end her ectopic pregnancy.

In endorsing a statement by the Health Ministry, Doctors for life said ectopic pregnancy can be fatal and is always treated seriously by the medical professionals at Mater Dei Hospital. Proof of the excellent track record of the hospital was the fact that no pregnant mother had lost her life in the last 10 years. 

"It is unfortunate that some entities attempt to capitalise on a patient experience to advance an agenda, at the expense of the good name of our maternal health services, without verifying facts or protocols. We hope that the abortion discussion may be free from misinformation in the future," Doctors for Life said.  

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