There is no right time to start casting your thoughts into your tertiary educational future in Malta, but it doesn’t hurt to indulge in some prospection and do some research into your options.

One immediate concern that will crop up in the initial stages, straight after the one where you figure out whether you have enough qualifications in hand, is where you will read for your degree. 

Though the investment in your education is unquestionably valuable – distance is not really an issue here, and comparison by price is not applicable if you’re studying for your first degree – choosing the right educational institution seems like a milestone that will shape most of the predictions on your own future … but not necessarily the actual outcome.  

So, to cut to the chase, does it really matter where you study for your degree? 
Do you already know which study area you’re focusing on? It is sports? Sciences? Humanities? Languages? Business? Medical Studies?

Make sure you find a rewarding study path for your unique self. It is certainly not just about the earning power from the chosen career path, but more about the intellectual pleasure you’ll derive from learning more about what you’re interested in. 

With 14 faculties, 18 institutes, 13 centres and three schools, the University of Malta offers the widest variety of options for you to consider. 

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Knowing that the entry into your tertiary education journey is not unshaped by what went on before that, with the help of the Ġ.F. Abela Junior College Student Advisory Services, you will get the right guidance on the best possibilities for your own situation.  

Another important variable in this equation is to keep in mind that what you make out of your tertiary education years matters for your life after that. And not just because finding a job without qualifications might prove to be more challenging.

So, although you might be looking at the fact that the University of Malta is the highest-ranking tertiary education institution on the islands, also ask yourself what you will be demanding out of your journey, other than the studying itself. 
The 42 active student organisations on campus are just a starting point towards taking a proactive role in your learning. And by learning, we don’t just mean that type restricted to the classroom or online session. 

By the way, if the environment is an issue you deeply care about, you might be glad to hear that as per its Strategic Plan, the University of Malta endeavours to lead by example in its use of renewable energy and reduction of waste. The LifeMedGreenRoof Project is living proof of this. 

Support systems are an essential coping mechanism for such a potentially stressful time as studying can be. 

A significant UM milestone was the opening of its Health & Wellness Centre, which offers professional support services to enhance the wellbeing of staff and students alike. 

The current project of the Student Residential Complex, the go-ahead for which was given in 2018, as well as the refurbishment of various areas within the University Tal-Qroqq Campus and the Msida Junior College Campus, are instances of how the University is trying to lead by example in the use of its resources. 

In fact, the University of Malta attracts the biggest share of ambitious students. For the academic year 2018/2019 alone, 3,742 students proudly graduated from UM. 

But let’s go even beyond the preparation for your profession. UM goes the extra mile to encourage graduates to be their own idea generators because, let’s face it, academic knowledge is and should be practical – and UM takes interest in its students beyond their degree, fostering a culture of research that can be applied in society. The Centre for Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation’s (CEBI) TAKEOFF business incubator is just one case.

The bottom line here is that why you’re choosing to study is more important than where you’ll end up. 

So the answer, ultimately, depends on who is asking, because your personal aspirations and your level of grit, engagement and focus are something only you can determine for yourself.   

If you think you’re ready to #ShineAtUM but missed the application deadline for next October’s intake, you still have some time to jump on the train. Applications for the majority of courses are still open until August 31, 2020 at 2pm. 

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