Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary rector Gerard Buhagar celebrated Mass to mark the 62nd anniversary of the priestly ordination of Dun Mikiel Attard. Fr Buhagar was assisted by Dun Mikiel’s brother, Fr Gużepp Attard.

Dun Mikiel  was a great devotee of the Eucharist and Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu. In 2010, then bishop Mario Grech, now Cardinal, accompanied by Curia Chancellor Salv Debrincat, signed a decree declaring open the diocesan process for the beatification and sanctification of Dun Mikiel.

Dun Mikiel was born at Nadur on October 1, 1933, and was ordained on April 12, 1959. After a life dedicated to priests and lay people in Gozo, as well as the poor in the missions whom he visited every summer, he passed away on July 30, 2004.

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