On October 24, Eden Leisure Group teamed up with  Nature Trust to clean the beach at Gnejna Bay.

Although the number of participants was limited to 10 people due to COVID-19 regulations, an impressive 46kg of rubbish was collected from along the beach in just two hours.

The rubbish bags were full of plastic, cigarette butts, cbottles and bottle tops, fabric, broken glass and iron.

A big portion of the items collected were plastic fragments smaller than a two-cent coin.

Before being discarded, the items collected were separated and recorded by volunteers from Nature Trust for statistical data collection.

The Eden Leisure’s COO and Green Team chairperson, Kate de Cesare, said: “The COVID pandemic has made many people and companies reassess their priorities and sadly the environment has taken a back seat to the many other problems it has brought about.  We feel it our duty to remind each other, the public and other companies that caring for the environment can never be put on the back burner − the state of the planet is the biggest threat to us all.”

Eden Leisure Group set up their Green Team in July 2018 with the purpose of pushing the company to become more environmentally-friendly, to adopt greener practices, raise awareness among its employees as well as nationwide, through its media.

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