The Education Ministry has entered into a memorandum of understanding with Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, on the teaching of subjects related to the Holocaust.

The announcement was made by Education Minister Owen Bonnici at a Holocaust Memorial address at the President's palace on Wednesday morning.

"Through this, we want to continue to develop an awareness of the value of pluralism and an acceptance of diversity,” Dr Bonnici said.

Only five in 10 people in the EU think the Holocaust is taught sufficiently through our schools, he added.

"We must educate students against all forms of discrimination."

Dr Bonnici pointed out that Holocaust Remembrance Day marks a significant moment in world history, not only for the victims and survivors of these tragic events, but also for humankind.

"We have an obligation to not forget these events, as they serve as a reminder and as a lesson which history teaches us.”

President George Vella also emphasised the role of education and remembrance of such events to prevent such atrocities from happening again.

"The further away we move from the Holocaust years, the easier it will become to forget how to recognise the signs and the events that led to this dark episode in humankind that we are commemorating today," he said.

Jewish community leader, Israel Ohayon added that everyone needed to make the utmost efforts to stamp out the incomprehensible acts of evil that led to the Holocaust.

We see Nazi insignia sprayed on the walls in towns and villages - a phenomenon that is regrettably gaining foothold in Malta- Jewish community leader

"We see Nazi insignia sprayed on the walls in towns and villages - a phenomenon that is regrettably gaining foothold in Malta," he said.

"Let us through education and learning sow the seeds of loving kindness, respect and coexistence."

He pointed out that over the years, humankind has not learnt from the horrendous events of the Holocaust.

"Violence and hateful acts such as hate crime and hate speech have become our contemporary scourge."

For this reason, he explained, no effort should be spared to continue to remember the people who lost their lives in the Holocaust to prevent something like this from happening again.

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