Claire Vella

The Lasallian community has reached another milestone in its bid to work towards a better environment for present and future generations.

The EkoSkola team, together with the Junior School students and educators, have been looking to improve the school environment and bring a positive change in their community, particularly in the area of reducing waste.

This work was recognised by EkoSkola Malta and De La Salle Junior School was awarded the Eko Skola Green Flag.

To mark the achievement, the Senior Leadership Team recently held a ceremony during which students from Year 1 up to Year 6 were congratulated for their efforts.

Those present for the occasion included the School Director of Educational Mission  Stephen Cachia, head of school Nicolai Mifsud, Brother Edward Galea, mentor to the Junior School, Paul Pace, EkoSkola  National Director, and Audrey Gauci, EkoSkola coordinator.

During the ceremony, students were encouraged to continue working on more positive practices that yield ideal outcomes to the school and community in general.

Pace and Gauci also delivered a speech during which they highlighted the most important goals achieved in the previous scholastic year.

At the end of the ceremony, the EkoSkola members present raised the Green Flag along with Mifsud.

The EkoSkola team will now continue to focus their attention on a series of initiatives to implement education for sustainable development.

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