Epic Games, the publisher of the popular video game Fortnite, filed a complaint on Tuesday with Britain's competition monitor accusing Apple of "monopolistic practices".

The US video game developer told the Competition and Markets Authority that Apple was guilty of "anti-competitive behaviour and prohibitively restrictive rules governing the distribution of apps and payment processing".

This was a "clear violation" of British law, it said.

Apple's actions "forbid users and developers respectively from acquiring or distributing apps through marketplaces other than Apple’s App Store," with the payment of commissions sometimes reaching 30% of revenues.

Epic has already launched other legal proceedings in the United States, the European Union, Australia and Britain against both Apple and Google.

Epic says it is "not seeking monetary damages" but rather regulatory decisions from authorities to force Apple to amend its practices.

In August, Epic looked to circumvent Apple's payment technology on its iOS operating system. 

The iPhone manufacturer immediately removed Fortnite from the App Store, noting a breach of contract between the two companies. 

The social media giant Facebook and streaming service Spotify have also criticised Apple for stifling competition, saying it imposes rules on external developers that it does not apply to itself. 

The European Commission has opened several investigations against the US computer manufacturer which has defended its closed ecosystem saying it protects users' data security.

Apple and other US tech giants, including Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft, also face the introdcution of possible new obligations and fines under a new legislative proposal by the European Union, the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which is aimed at restricting their dominance of the sector.

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