Forum Malta fl-Ewropa, together with Mimcol, organised an information day focusing on EU funding opportunities for the environment, energy and eco-innovation. This is one in a series of EU funding-related initiatives which Forum has embarked upon for the coming months.

Gabriella Pace, Forum chief executive, explained that the funding programmes for energy, the environment and eco-innovation, complement the European Union's Lisbon Agenda targets. She said that EU funding programmes and schemes vary in scope, purpose and duration, adding that knowing what funding is available for the various sectors of society, when to get it and how to get it, is of the very essence for the successful outcome. Dr Pace urged participants to tap into these funds and make good use of them, since these have ensured the socio-economic development of various EU member states.

In his opening address, the Parliamentary Secretary for Public Dialogue and Information, Chris Said, encouraged those present to actively make use of EU funds as these promote sustainable development. Dr Said said this falls in line with the government's initiative to have citizens, NGOs, associations, local councils and SMEs actively participate in EU funding. Dr Said reiterated that these funding programmes promote energy efficiency and alternate sources of energy, assist SMEs and entrepreneurs and present a golden opportunity for local enterprise which should not be missed. He commended Forum for its leading role in organising training seminars on EU funding opportunities available.

Dr Said said that "one of the biggest challenges that we, as relatively new European citizens, have for the future is to be able to increase our efficiency in energy consumption and production. This on one hand, means finding ways to be more efficient in utilising our present sources, and, on the other hand exploring more innovative and alternative energy sources".

Before proceeding to the generics of the funding programmes involved, Malta Resources Authority official, George Cassar gave participants an overview of the national energy policy. This seeks to conform with the EU's targets to reduce carbon dioxide by 20 per cent by 2020, promote the production of clean energy, conform to climate change objectives, maintain an efficient electricity generation and distribution, and promote research, education, fiscal policy and investment.

The local plan established that by 2016 Malta should be saving 378GWh per year on energy due to a national energy efficiency drive that will lead to energy end-use savings of 9 per cent in nine years. The plan targets various sectors encouraging better use of energy in the domestic sector thus promoting energy efficient domestic appliances and solar water heaters, the micro-generation of energy from renewable energy sources and subsidy for property insulation, initiating support schemes for industry and SMEs as well as promoting energy efficiency in the commercial and tourism sector. Other initiatives being promoted by this plan are the creation of an energy fund, the promotion of tele-working, green travel plans and electric vehicles.

Dr Theodoros Staikos, from the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI), was the conference's keynote speaker. He reviewed the calls for proposals currently open under two of the competitiveness and innovation framework programme's (CIP) main operational pillars, namely the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) and Eco-Innovation.

The IEE programme encourages the wider uptake of sustainably renewable energies such as the use of biomass, solar and geothermal heating in buildings and industry at large, and to foster energy efficiency while maintaining competitive energy prices in the EU and inducing best practice. The budget for this year's IEE programme is of €47 million. The deadline for submissions of applications is June 26.

The Eco Innovation is a new programme, and its aims are to support eco-innovative processes for the cleaner production of energy, while giving small and medium enterprises support with their ideas and initiatives. The budget allotted for the period 2008-2013 for the uptake of projects under this programme is of approximately €195 million. The allocated budget for this year is €28 million. The call's deadline is September 11.

Dr Staikos discussed at length the opportunities available for grants for improving energy efficiency and fostering compliance with the EU energy regulatory framework, while providing participants with a general guide on programme practicalities.

In his closing address, Minister George Pullicino said that energy and the environment stand on top of the national agenda. Carbon emissions from fossil fuels are a threat to our environment. He said "it has to be recognised that our island in the middle of the Mediterranean is very prone to climate change, yet we should maintain the economic growth of our country. The transformation from an energy system based solely on oil to greener sources of energy production is indeed challenging."

Other speakers explained in detail complementary funding programmes for energy and the environment, namely the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and structural funds, while participants were also given the opportunity to listen to the personal experiences of individuals who have participated in or otherwise benefitted from these programmes.

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