EuroPride organisers have stood by inviting an Israeli Eurovision singer to perform at Europe’s largest Pride event taking place next month, despite activists calling for her invitation to be revoked.

Netta Barzilai is an Israeli singer-songwriter who won the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest and is scheduled to perform at the official EuroPride Valletta 2023, starting on September 7 at Triton Square, in Valletta.

Last week, Moviment Graffitti, Aditus, MGRM, former president Marie Louise Coleiro Preca and Żminijietna – Voice of the Left wrote to Parliamentary Secretary for Equality Rebecca Buttigieg and EuroPride organisers Allied Rainbow Communities (ARC) calling for the singer’s invitation to be thrown out because of her support of Israeli policies towards the Palestinians.

Such policies, they said, went against the values that Pride stands for.

Green Party ADPD also called for the organisers not to invite her, stating that EuroPride should not be a space for “Israeli pinkwashing”.

The musician has a strong LGBTIQ+ fanbase and has performed at multiple Pride parades, yet, some global critics have argued that the Israeli government has leveraged that to mask the country’s treatment of Palestinians.

“Equality is beyond countries and continents and nobody should be excluded from participating in Europe’s main celebration of love, diversity and rights simply because of their nationality,” an ARC spokesperson told Times of Malta.

The spokesperson said the musician has a longstanding history of performing at multiple Pride parades across the world, including countries with hostile environments for LGBTIQ+ persons due to regressive laws.

“She has been invited to perform during EuroPride Valletta 2023 on the basis of that and not as a representative of Israel on which she has not made statements supporting the occupation. Netta is one of the many international artists on the vast EuroPride programme, all selected following a brainstorming process based on artist availability, talent and LGBTIQ+ support.”

Apart from Netta, other Eurovision Song Contest winners will participate in EuroPride celebrations including Conchita and Katrina & The Waves. Also performing on stage will be Lithuanian rock band The Roop, who performed in the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest.

She said over the previous weeks and months, the committee, which works voluntarily, has worked hand in hand with the community to create numerous projects led by “queer persons, for queer persons”.

“We are proud of the participation of our community at the forefront of EuroPride, as we are with the participation of bold allies,” the spokesperson said.

“As an organisation, we look forward to a meaningful EuroPride Valletta 2023 promoting equality and inclusivity for all in our home country, which has been topping the Rainbow Index for the last eight consecutive years.”

A spokesperson for Parliamentary Secretariat for Reforms and Equality said Buttigieg supported the position taken by Allied Rainbow Communities.

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