Kerċem parish will today (September 3) mark the feast of its patron saint Pope Gregory the Great. Fr Marcello Ghirlando will celebrate Mass at 6.30pm, with the participation of San Girgor choir, directed by Mro Carmel Grech.

After Mass, the Pope Saint John Paul II Foundation will be holding a classical music evening in honour of Mgr Girgor Grech. Soprano Georgina Gauci, accompanied by harpist Jacob Portelli and violinists Emese Toth and David. Lang, will take part.

St Gregory the Great, Pope from 590 to 604, was a reformer and excellent administrator. He was the founder of the medieval papacy, which exercised both secular and spiritual power. His epithet ‘the Great’ reflects his status as a writer as well as a ruler.

As the fourth and final of the traditional Latin Fathers of the Church, Gregory was the first exponent of a truly medieval, sacramental spirituality.

St Gregory the Great died on March 12, 604, in Rome. His feast is celebrated on September 3.

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