Felines will take centre stage at the first TICA Cat Show for 2024 being held at the Ċentru Pastorali Qalb ta’ Ġesù, in Qrendi, tomorrow and on Sunday. The show is organised by the Royal Cat Society.
Visitors will have the opportunity to meet owners and breeders of exhibition-quality cats that highlight the rich tapestry of the cat kingdom: from the regal Maine Coon to the small Singapura. The cat show will be featuring eight AB + four SP rings.
International TICA judges Irene Van Belzen, François Dubois, Amy Stadter and Dragana Petkovic will evaluate the entrants, not only aesthetically but also for their temperament, grooming and their overall presentation.
Visitors will have the opportunity to interact with the breeders, owners and, of course, the cats themselves. The show also shines a spotlight on rescued domestic cats and kittens. This year, the focus is on supporting feeder and fosterer Gwen Spiteri.
Any food donated by visitors and exhibitors will be appreciated. Attendees are also encouraged to consider adoption or fostering.