New FIBA Europe president Jorge Garbajosa may have only been the association’s chief for a few months, however, he has vowed to make small countries a priority.

The former Spanish international forward, who has played both in Europe and the NBA throughout his playing career, was in Malta for the Games of the Small States of Europe in one of his first outings as president and he said he wants to “show that I care and will be close to the small countries that most probably need more support than others”.

“It was important for me since the beginning to show that I’m going to focus mainly on the developing countries, not only the big countries – they make a big effort in their own basketball community, in their own federations to develop our beloved sport,” Garbajosa explained in an interview with the Malta Basketball Association.

Garbajosa was on the books of Benetton Treviso before leaving Spanish side Unicaja three seasons before Malta’s very own Samuel Deguara joined the Italian side.

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