FinanceMalta is organising its first webinar of 2021 on the topic ‘Banks in Malta: Dealing with Trusts and Foundations’. The event will be held on January 27 at 3pm.

Supported by the Malta Bankers’ Association (MBA), the webinar is aimed primarily at legal and compliance officers working within banks based in Malta.

Leading experts from the regulatory and supervisory authorities, banks and practitioners will be speaking about the procedures, laws and regulations that apply in this field.

The main objective of the webinar is to clarify how trusts and foundations are effective structures created for the bene­fit of both corporate entities and individuals. The event will highlight how these instruments are regulated and that, when properly used, should be encouraged and not dissuaded.

FinanceMalta chairman Rudolph Psaila will open the event. A panel discussion on the understanding of the banks’ position and concerns about trusts and foundations will follow.

The webinar will cover, among others, what compliance officers in banks need to know about trusts and foundations, the MFSA’s risk-based approach towards supervision of trustees and administrators of foundations, money laundering and terrorist financing risks associated with such businesses, as well as legislative developments, expectations and enforcement actions being taken.

The second part of the webinar will feature an international perspective on the topic and will be followed by an interactive Q&A session.

For more information and to register for the webinar, visit The event is free of charge.

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