Fish of all sizes, colours and species are currently attracting visitors to the Salina Nature Reserve where the Malta Aquarist Society is putting on its annual show.

There are over 300 aquaria on display, showcasing fish from various continents. These fish tanks are divided into different categories, with the latest addition this year being the ‘biotope set-up’, where an aquarium displays fish from a particular river and from a specific region.

For example, there are fish from Lake Malawi in Africa and others inhabiting the Amazon River in South America. The plants, rockwork, wood and substrate (gravel, sand) used for the aquarium must also hail from that specific area.

Another category that was introduced this year is that of the Nano set-ups, where each aquarium is just 30cm cubed, be it in a marine or freshwater set-up. Therefore, each participant must pay a lot of attention to detail.

During weekends, speakers are giving talks about their hobby. Among these is Ray Caruana, who will deliver a presentation on the Mediterranean killifish (Aphanius fasciatus) or bużaqq on Saturday at 2pm. He will tackle the technical work behind the culturing of the national fish, such as egg collecting, larval rearing and live food production. The presentation will be delivered in Maltese and should appeal to aquarists of all ages and skill levels, especially those interested in breeding.

The show, which opened last Saturday, is on until Sunday. It is open weekdays between 4pm and 8pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 8pm.

Entrance is against a donation, however, children enter for free. With each donation, visitors will get a ticket giving them the chance to win various prizes. For more information, visit the Facebook link

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