Celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the titular statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Fontana continue this week.  Friday, the liturgical feast of the Sacred Heart, Mass will be said at 6.30, 7, 7.30, 11.30am, 12 noon, 6.30 and 9pm.

Bishop George Frendo, OP will lead moments of prayer for all Gozitan clergy at 5pm, while Bishop Anton Teuma will preside over solemn High Mass at 6.30pm, followed by the procession with the Blessed Sacrament. Band marches will commence at 9.30pm and end with a fireworks display.

On Saturday, a procession with the relic of the Holy Cross will start from St Augustine’s church at 6.30pm, followed by Mass celebrated by Apostolic Nuncio, Mgr Savio Hon Tai-Fai SDB, at 7pm. Band marches will start at 9pm, followed by a fireworks display.

On Sunday, Cardinal Mario Grech will celebrate Pontifical Mass at 9am. Band marches will start at 12pm. The procession with the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the participation of St George’s Collegiate Chapter, will start at 6.30pm. The La Stella Band will take part.

The foundation stone of Fontana parish church was laid on January 29, 1892 and was dedicated on January 29, 1905. It was the fishermen of Fontana that offered part of their catches for the church that made it possible for the church to be raised in such a short time. It was eventually established as a parish on March 27, 1911. Dun Ġużepp Hili was the first parish priest.

The statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the work of Wistin Camilleri, one of the most renowned statue makers of the Maltese islands.

Photo: Charles SpiteriPhoto: Charles Spiteri

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