February 6 marked the 50th anniversary of the induction of Mgr Carmelo Mercieca as parish priest of Xewkija. To mark the occasion he celebrated Thanksgiving Mass at the Rotunda, followed by the unveiling of a painting of Mgr Mercieca by Xewkija-born artist Paul Falzon.

Mgr Mercieca, known as Dun Karm, was appointed parish priest on February 6, 1972. He succeeded Fr Giuseppe Grech, who, on October 18, 1971, was hit by a gas tank that rolled down from a lorry at Mġarr harbour, killing him on the spot.

Mgr Mercieca undertook the mammoth task of completing the Xewkija Rotunda. The foundation stone was laid on May 4, 1952, and the church was eventually consecrated on June 17, 1978.

When work on the church was completed, Mgr Mercieca embarked on another project – the building of a parish centre in the church’s square.

Mgr Mercieca remained in office until August 30, 2015. He was then appointed canon theologian of the Gozo cathedral.

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