A group of NGOs have banded together to express concern over what they say is the “normalisation and popularisation” of cannabis use. 

In a statement, Caritas Malta, Sedqa, Oasi Foundation and the Psychiatry Association of Malta said the use of the terms “recreational use” suggests to society that the substance has a recreational value. 

“From the experience of smoking and drinking we know that when a drug because more popular or even legal, there is the tendency that it is used even more and the negative effects are greater,” the organisations said. 

The groups said they wanted to highlight parents’ concern that their children were justifying the use of cannabis by saying “everyone uses it”. They added that research shows the use of cannabis by adolescents is also dangerous because it exposes their brains to the dependence on other substances.  

Despite their concerns, the organisations noted they were in agreement that a wider debate on the matter is needed. They agreed, they said, there was a need for more sensitivity towards cannabis users. They also believe the change in the law in 2015 impacting those caught with small amounts of the drug was an effective move, They also regard the law on medical cannabis as a good move. 

The organisations also agree cannabis users should not be sent to prison or be stigmatised.

Parliamentary Secretary for Equality and Reforms Rosianne Cutajar has long called for a reform of the cannabis laws with the aim of legalising recreational use of the drug. She has said in recent months it was time to implement changes as the process of consultation had been long enough.

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