The Friends of the Sick and the Elderly in Gozo (FSEG), founded in 1988, will hold its 31st annual general meeting online on May 13.

FSEG president Paul Zammit said the organisation has been giving on loan equipment to better the quality of life of sick and elderly persons who are being cared for at their own home for a good number of years. The equipment, including electronic beds with ripple mattress, electronic person lifters, wheelchairs, commodes and rollators, is of great benefit to carers of the sick and elderly because the devices enable them to take care of their dear ones with much less effort and fatigue. FSEG has around 480 devices which are currently on loan to families in Gozo.

Zammit said the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated more sick and elderly persons to be cared for at their own homes, rather than being admitted to homes for the elderly, like in previous years. This has resulted in more persons asking for help from FSEG. This fact, together with the cancellation of all fund-raising activities due to health restrictions, has caused a great strain on FSEG finances. Thus, the committee is seeking other means of raising the necessary funds, including help from the Malta Community Chest Fund, the Ministry for Elderly and Active Ageing, the Gozo Ministry and donations by several Gozitan supporters.

Zammit said that up to now all requests for help have been met. Donations will be greatly welcomed and appreciated, especially in this time of great need, he added.

FSEG has 384 members who have been invited to participate in the AGM. This year’s AGM will cover two years since the meeting could not be held last year due to the strict COVID-19 restrictions.

Members are being asked to join online for this meeting. Anyone interested in joining is kindly asked to send an e-mail to and a Zoom link will be sent in return prior to the meeting.

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