By the age of 26, Kersten Graham found himself living his ultimate dream as a full-time musician.

He spent his days performing in gigs and events, doing what he loves best –singing and playing his guitar.

But his hard work came to a sudden halt when COVID rules closed all entertainment venues two years ago, leaving him without work, and soon without enough money to pay the bills. 

“My life went on a downward spiral,” Graham told Times of Malta.

Kersten Graham speaks to Giulia Magri. Video: Chris Sant Fournier

The singer and guitarist, best known for his blues and rock style, got his first break thanks to the late entrepreneur Hugo Chetcuti, who gave him a weekly slot to play in his pub. 

“After that, people began to reach out to me to perform for their business events or wedding,” he recalls.

“Then in 2019, I tried my luck in The X Factor, and my career boomed.”

With a constant flow of performances and gigs, Graham decided to quit his full-time job and dedicate all his time to music.

So when the pandemic hit in early 2020, Graham found it difficult to cope.

“I couldn’t accept it at first, one moment I was fully booked, and the next, I was home alone,” he said.

“While I am thankful that the government helped us, I had expenses and a €600 rent which I couldn’t afford. Anxiety took over, there were months I stayed alone and didn’t go out, and I am thankful for friends who continued to check on me.”

Kersten Graham went from being a successful musician to being home alone. Photo: Chris Sant FournierKersten Graham went from being a successful musician to being home alone. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

After three months, with no income coming in, he found a job. While he was grateful that he was employed at a time when many were losing their jobs, he still found it difficult to keep up with bills, rent and expenses.

Left homeless

Unable to keep up with expenses, in March 2021, Graham was left homeless.

At first, he moved in with his mother but the “rocky” circumstances meant it only lasted for two weeks. 

It was his friend, Jean-Paul Borg, drummer of the band Busker, who took Graham in.

“It was literally the most shattering experience I ever went through,” he recalled. “It broke me, I didn’t even have a roof over my head, it was a new low for me.”

He felt like a burden to his friend and said the pandemic took away his creativity. 

“For months, I couldn’t even pick up a guitar, I felt so disconnected,” he said.

He lived with Jean-Paul for three months, and through his support, began to slowly write songs and music.

"Life changed, and I had to change with it, but I managed and I’m grateful."

It was during this time that the duo wrote and created the Maltese song Għaliex jien? (Why me?), which they submitted to the Maltese festival Mużika, Mużika.

The is about the impact the pandemic had on artists and their relationship with music.

“I tried to bring together the theme of the song, and my own personal challenges. In the song I ask questions like, why do I feel alone, and how I felt about the music, and my family. It came out so naturally, I wrote it in 30 minutes flat.”

Business is back

He hopes his song connects with people who might feel they are alone.

Two years on from his personal crisis, life is once again flourising for the now-28-year-old musician.

“Business is back and booming, and emotionally, I am in a much better place. Nothing brings me that satisfaction as much as music. While I am a little burnt out, I’m grateful I’m in this situation, as it’s much better than what I experienced two years ago,” he said.

He has returned to playing gigs, while working his full-time job.

Despite the challenges he faced during the pandemic, he is grateful for his experience.

“I know it sounds strange, but this experience taught me more about myself,” he said.

“Life changed, and I had to change with it, but I managed and I’m grateful for it, as I know there are others who are still struggling.”

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