The contribution of women in society has been vital for Malta's progress throughout the years, Nationalist Party leader Lawrence Gonzi said yesterday.

Addressing a meeting organised by the PN women's movement, Dr Gonzi said the movement has been very important for the party since the beginning of its existence. He said the movement should continue to set an example for women to contribute since getting more women into important posts was perhaps one of the most difficult tasks.

"As we are at the doorstep of European Union membership, the doors for everyone, including women, are open. So let women continue working for the better," Dr Gonzi said.

Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami said this was the first time he was speaking in public since Dr Gonzi was elected PN leader adding it would probably be one of his last speeches as prime minister. "This is a time when we should look ahead but we should also look back to see where we are coming from. Twenty-seven years ago, the MNPN was established and, since then, it has been of great benefit to the party," Dr Fenech Adami said.

Dr Fenech Adami said he was pleased that the Cabinet last week nominated Ina Cremona, who was at the university with him, to the European Court. "She was the only woman in the law course in my time. Thank God, there are many more young women studying today. Opportunities for women are plentiful since times have changed, also thanks to the efforts of the Nationalist Party."

The Prime Minister said he was pleased to hear Dr Gonzi say he would give more space to women as leader of the party and later on as prime minister.

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