As part of the celebrations marking the 35th anniversary of the Gozo Association for the Deaf (GAD), an awareness event was held at The Duke Shopping Mall in Victoria. Association volunteers set up a stand and distributed information leaflets about hearing loss and how hearing-impaired people can still lead an independent life.

Visitors were informed that modern-day hearing devices can greatly improve the quality of life for people with impaired hearing, allowing them to fully take part in everyday activities. Members of the public were allowed to borrow sample devices for a short trial period, after which they can be supported to buy their own devices.

The volunteers also distributed informative booklets providing details about the association’s services and types of amplifications available. They also gave out bookmarks with tips on how to communicate effectively with hearing-impaired people.

The Gozo Association for the Deaf is a non-profit organisation managed by a committee that is elected every two years. It was founded on May 21, 1988.

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