Transport Malta will start receiving applications today for grants on the purchase of electric vehicles.

There are various schemes, open to individuals, registered NGOs and companies.

A grant of €7,000 will be given to persons registering a new electric vehicle (or an electric hybrid vehicle capable of at least 80 km on pure electricity) while scrapping an older vehicle which is at least 10 years old.

The grant shall fall from €7,000 to €4,000 in cases of persons registering a used Battery Electric Vehicle which has never been registered to be used on Maltese roads before, or for the purchased of a newly purchased electric vehicle but which is not in conjunction with the scrappage scheme.

A grant of €2,000 is also being offered for those registering an electric quadricyle, irrespective of this being new or used.

With respect to used electric vehicles, the grant is only applicable for Battery Electric Vehicles of being not more than 24 months old and not more than 12,000 km on the odometer

Applications will be handled on a first come first served basis. Companies which have already benefited from the last scheme for electric vehicles are eligible to benefit again as long as they are in line with state aid regulations.

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Transport Malta said the government will launch other initiatives in the form of grants to assist importers of new electric vehicles to invest in the technology and re-training of their staff as well as other measures for private companies to install electric car charging infrastructure. 

Applications for the schemes are available from Transport Malta Offices, Vehicle Licensing Unit, Hornsworks Ditch, Floriana or downloaded from

Freephone 8007 2393, 


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