The government needs to "put words into action" and "do something" to address the rising cost of living, Opposition leader Bernard Grech said on Sunday. 

Interview on the Nationalist Party's NET TV, Grech said the issue is impacting everyone and this has become evident not just through statistics but from day-to-day interacations.

"It is something that people of all backgrounds are feeling. We are talking about people not being able to purchase basic needs. The government has to do something," Grech said. 

The PN leader said the Labour Party has been in government for almost 10 years and so it was high time that certain pressing issues are addressed. 

"Take mental health...a lot is often raise the subject, but there is yet to be any sign of the mental health hospital for instance. 

"It's easy to blame the Ukraine war, that is what Labour keeps doing, instead of addressing the issues at hand. I expect Robert Abela to address issues and not just talk about them," he said. 

Iosif Galea arrest

Meanwhile, on the arrest of former gaming authoritiy official Iosif Galea in Italy, Grech said that once again, foreign institutions had to do the job that should have been done by the Maltese ones. 

"An individual who was subject to a European Arrest Warrant issued against him was allowed to leave the country. Once again, the foreign institutions are doing the job of those of our country. And once again, trust in the police force is negatively impacted. This is unfair on all the officials who do a good job," Grech said. 

Recalling a personal case, where he had filed a police report over claims Labour's ONE TV had flown a drone over his house in breach of his privacy, Grech said that he has yet to be given any update on the matter. 

"Take my case, a relatively simple one. I have heard nothing. How can we expect the police to investigate serious issues when they cannot even handle a small case like this?

"I call on those police officers who work hard and do a good job to keep doing so. The Opposition is with you. We will not stop talking about the issue," the PN leader said.

Grech also pledged to keep working on being "a strong Opposition" saying that following his confirmation as party leader last week he continues to be determined to prove himself and work for the good of the country. 

Before changing the state of the country, he said, the PN needs to make improvements at party level.

"From September I will be holding weekly meetings in different localities so that the party goes to the people directly."

Grech urged supporters to donate in the party's upcoming fundraising campaign.



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