Social media has become a large platform for many people. You can spend hours on social media without getting bored – and that’s because there is always new content to look at. Therefore, you can be sure that you will never miss out on anything.

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There are plenty of options to use within social media, as this is a large platform on the web. Some of the biggest providers are Facebook, LinkedIn and Snapchat. You can use all three platforms for different purposes. 

You can also use social media to promote yourself, your business or just show the world what you are doing. The last one is common for influencers. Maybe you want to become an influencer? Well, anything is possible with social media.

Use social media to increase your organic traffic

If you have a business and you are business minded, you will not hesitate with using social media. This can easily give your business a boost and increase the organic traffic, if you have a website. More people would be knowing your name, brand, products and services. 

What you want to do is to make sure that you are using the correct platform for your business. If you offer B2B products and services, then LinkedIn is the best option for you. If you offer B2C products and services, then Facebook is the best option for you. 

Increasing your organic traffic on the websites of your business might be more valuable than using tons of cash on ads. With that being said, ads can also improve the income of your business. There are of course different methods you can use, to improve your business. 

You should regularly post about things that are usually surrounding your business, on your social media platforms. This could be anything about ongoing projects or new staff added to the business. It can also be posts about new business deals, but of course without details. 

Facebook and LinkedIn are popular

The two main social media platforms for B2B customers and B2C customers are LinkedIn and Facebook. LinkedIn is more suitable for businesses while Facebook is more consumer-oriented. With Facebook, your customers are mostly private customers, and not businesses. This is a great platform for direct communication between you and your customer. It can be an opportunity to reach out to other target groups. Facebook provides opportunities! 

If you can`t decide which one of the two platforms you should use, then you should at least try one of them out. It can be important for you to see what works for your business. Use different methods to post on the social media platforms to attract more possible customers.

Facebook provides also ads, which you can use. This is perfect if you want to target specific groups in certain ages. You just need to create a post or a campaign and use Facebook ads to spread that post or campaign on the platform. You will be able to get more leads with this. 

Use other alternatives

There are other alternatives to use than just Facebook and LinkedIn. You could for example use Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok and in some situations VSCO. It all depends on your brand, products and service. You should of course have a strategy for using those platforms. 

The different platforms have different users in certain age groups. Therefore, you should know how to target them with your social media posts. The posts you are going to use should courage them to increase your activity on social media. This is a key factor. 

With all the social media alternatives, you should be able to increase your organic traffic somehow without going too much into ads. Of course, ads can improve your view count on a post, but this should be an additional option. 

Try to focus on the two biggest platforms, which are Facebook and LinkedIn. This should be your top priority. Of course, this could change one day, but you should not worry about that for now. 

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