Malta's Ambassador to Germany William C. Spiteri hosted a reception at his residence in Zehlendorf, Germany, for Maltese hoteliers, travel agents and tourist operators on the occasion of the annual International Tourism Exhibition (ITB). This reception has become an annual tradition.

The Embassy of Malta in Berlin took the opportunity to thank the hotel and travel trade for the magnificent support they have invariably given to the embassy, providing exciting gift vouchers, which the Embassy then utilises in its tourist promotional activities.

Last year, 35 hoteliers as well as some English language schools collaborated with the embassy in providing one-week stays for two in Malta.

The embassy participated in 15 events, in Berlin, Hannover, Stuttgart, Cologne, Mainz and Hamburg. During these promotional activities, tourist and information stands were prepared and plenty of tourist literature and hotel brochures were distributed to potential German visitors to Malta.

The Malta Tourism Authority and Air Malta in Frankfurt also collaborated and supported the embassy in its activities.

About 120 guests attended the very delightful reception. The distinguished guests included the MTA chairman and Mrs Grech, the shadow Minister of Tourism Karmenu Vella, Malta's Honorary Consul General in Baden-Württemberg Professor Viktor Dulger and Mrs Dulger, Aage Dünhaupt of Lufthansa Technik, Dr Michael Theim, president of the Dorint Hotel and Resort, Thomas Wachs, member of the Board of the Maritim Pro Arte, Christian Windfuhr, CEO of Maritim Hotel, as well as representatives from FTI Frosch Touristik, and tour operators, people from marketing, advertising, PR agencies and leading hotels in Malta, and representatives of the Gozo Tourism Authority.

In the course of the evening, Maltese wine and delicacies, including spinach and rikotta pies, were served.

BoV online lottery winners

Two Bank of Valletta customers who settled their water and electricity bill through BoV's Internet Banking or one of the other BoV 24¥7 channels have won a seven-day Flyaway tour package.

Charles Zerafa and Ivan Vassallo were chosen from over 5,000 customers who chose to pay their Water Services Corporation bills through Bank of Valletta's Internet Banking and other 24¥7 services between August 2003 and January 2004. Mr Zerafa won a Flyaway tour package for two to either Rome or London while Mr Vassallo won a similar package for Tunisia. Michael Gauci, Eugenio Privitelli and Jane Bugeja won vouchers from Exotique in the same competition.

Presenting the prizes to the winners at the bank's Customer Service Centre, Alan Cassar, executive head, sales at Bank of Valletta, said: "The services offered by BoV through its 24¥7 channels empower customers to unprecedented levels so that visiting a BoV branch becomes necessary only when face-to-face interaction is truly essential."

The success being enjoyed by Bank of Valletta's Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, Mobile Banking and Customer Service Centre Banking is evident since over 5,000 customers paid their Water Services bills through these channels over a six-month period. During the same period, over 20,000 customers chose to pay a large variety of bills that can be settled through BoV's 24¥7 channels. These innovative services empower customers to such a high degree that they have revolutionised the way customers are conducting their banking requirements, Mr Cassar added.

Antoine Galea, financial controller of the Water Services Corporation, was also present for the presentation.

HSBC supports studies on Baroque heritage

HSBC Bank Malta plc is helping the International Institute for Baroque Studies at the University of Malta to set up a resource centre with a reference library for research purposes.

A donation was presented to Professor Denis De Lucca, director of the International Institute for Baroque Studies, by Emanuel Sammut, head of HSBC's Home Loans Division.

"HSBC's Home Loans Division inevitably has a great deal of contact with graduates in the course of our work," Mr Sammut said. "This strong relationship between bank and professionals, particularly architects concerned with the study and conservation of the Baroque heritage, gives HSBC a very clear appreciation of the importance of providing students with the best possible resources during their studies. On behalf of HSBC, I am delighted that the bank will be helping the International Institute for Baroque Studies to set up this new resource centre which will incorporate a reference library."

There are currently 40 students studying at the International Institute of Baroque Studies but the new facility will also be used by a further 250 students currently studying history of architecture in the Department of Architecture and Urban Design. The funds donated by HSBC will help the institute to buy a number of reference works, particularly on the architecture, art and urbanism of 16th, 17th and 18th century Europe.

Lions Club 20th anniversary

Lions Club St Paul's Bay have celebrated the 20th anniversary of their charter with a gala dinner at the Sol Suncrest Hotel, Qawra.

Special guests attending this memorable occasion were international director Howard Lee Giov. Ricciardello, president Lions Club Misterbianco; Ric. Viviana, past president of Lions Club Menfi of Sicily; the presidents of the other four local clubs, and the local zone chairman.

After welcoming those present, Eman. Schembri, St Paul's Bay club president, proceeded with the induction of a new club member. The lavish dinner that followed was interspersed with short speeches, congratulatory messages, presentation of banners, and exchanges of gifts between the St Paul's Bay club president and the foreign guests, including their respective wives.

To mark this occasion, a booklet, produced by Patrick Frendo outlining the club's history and achievements, was presented together with a commemorative silver medal and a bannerette to all those attending. Past presidents and charter members of the St Paul's Bay club were also given a plaque of appreciation.

The event was brought to an end with dancing until the early hours of the following morning.

Tennis Club supports Ursuline Creche

As part of the 30th anniversary celebrations, the Vittoriosa Lawn Tennis Club has this year organised a day for charity.

The event consisted in a half-day open tournament for its members, where each participant offered a donation for the Ursuline Creche." The club was a hive of activity on February 29 as a large number took part in what turned out to be a marathon of social tennis, watched by a sizable crowd from the terrace.

Two nuns from the Ursuline convent in Sliema, Sr Letizia and Sr Veronique, were welcomed and shown around the complex, particularly the Maltacom Centre Court. Later, club treasurer Brian Tonna presented the cheque with the day's proceeds to the Sisters.

Sr Letizia, on behalf of the Ursuline community, thanked the VLTC executive committee for its initiative and the numerous members of the club for their generous response.


Suzanne Marie Psaila graduated last month from the University of Bristol (UK) where she read for a Masters degree in Archaeology for Screen Media.

She directed and produced a video on the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum as her dissertation project, which was also shown during the opening ceremony of the EMPTC conference in Malta in September 2003.

Suzanne took up an invitation to work with CNR in Rome, during which she participated in projects that involved reproducing and reconstructing areas of Ancient Rome, using modern technologies, namely 3-D laser scanning and virtual reality.

Suzanne graduated from the University of Malta in 2001, continued her studies at the University of Perugia (Italy) in 2001/2002 from where she will graduate in June this year in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. She has been accepted by the same University of Bristol to research for a Ph.D. in 3-D Laser Scanning and Virtual Reality for the Representation of Archaeology through Screen Media.

Jason Mark Bonnici has successfully completed a 50-hour course in Project Management, organised by the Employment and Training Corporation.

He has also passed the required examination with distinction. Mr Bonnici holds the post of civil section foreman with Vassallo Builders Limited, a position he has held since last September. Mr Bonnici is currently responsible for the construction of Blocks T6B and T7B at the Tigné South Project in Sliema. He is currently reading for a Middle Management in Construction Certificate, a two-year part-time course at the University of Malta.

Stephen Borg has been recently appointed director of Magister Academy Ltd.

Magister Academy, a subsidiary of Vassallo Builders Group, is a club for English language excellence and is undergoing an extensive refurbishment and extension project which is expected to be inaugurated in June.

Since May 2000, Mr Borg has held the post of group financial controller at Vassallo Builders Group Limited. Mr Borg qualified BA (Hons) Accty in 1993 after receiving his education at Stella Maris College. He is a Fellow Member of the Malta Institute of Accountants and a Certified Public Accountant.

In 2001 he also obtained a Masters degree in Financial Services from the University of Malta.

Grenoble Graduate School of Business first local graduates

On February 27, the eFoundation presented its first local students for the MBA graduation from Grenoble Graduate School of Business (GGSB) at St James Cavalier in Valletta.

The eFoundation constitutes the Maltese campus of this prestigious French school. On this occasion, 19 students were conferred the Master's degree in Business Administration.

GGSB's MBA is an internationally recognised degree and eFoundation's graduates were the first set of students to follow the GGSB's MBA programme locally, a programme that runs over two years on a part-time basis.

The Grenoble Graduate School of Business enjoys international recognition and has been awarded two of the most prestigious accreditations, EQUIS and AACSB, making them one of only 27 business schools worldwide to hold both accreditations.

GGSB, founded in 1984, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year with a number of activities, including the sponsorship of an Edward De Bono conference in Paris this month. Over the past 20 years GGSB has set up international programmes in Beijing, Moscow, Malta, Moldova and Belgrade, plus two new outreach programmes due to open shortly in Singapore and Egypt.

They partner with over 100 universities worldwide and a large number of international companies, such as PWC, Ernst & Young, Deloitte & Touche, Procter & Gamble, IBM, Hewlett Packard, and many more.

These and other prestigious companies make use of the GGSB alumni directory when looking for executive staff.

The local campus, the eFoundation, was set up in 2001 and has to date recruited five intakes of students. It is now offering a wide range of GGSB courses, executive seminars, MBA programmes and specialisations. The next MBA intake will be in September.

President and Mrs de Marco's engagements

March 22-28
10 The President receives Dr Deborah Farrugia, secretary of the Commission for the Administration of Justice, at the Palace, Valletta.
11 The President receives a group of students from Savio College.
1.15 for 1.30 p.m. The President and Mrs de Marco attend a luncheon hosted in their honour by the secretary and members of the Malta Community Chest Fund board, at the Hilton Hotel, St Julian's.
6.30 p.m. The President inaugurates the National Memory Project at the Banca Guiratale, Mdina.

9.15 a.m. The President receives the members of the Community of St Rocco, Birkirkara, at San Anton Palace.
6.30 The President and Mrs de Marco preside over a Malta Community Chest Fund board meeting.

9.30 a.m. The President is interviewed by Karl Stagno Navarra for the TV programme Newsroom, at the Palace, Valletta.
11 The President receives Gibralter Bishop Godfrey Rowell, accompanied by Rev Fr Tom Mendel, Chancellor of the Anglican Cathedral in Malta.
Noon The President receives Tunisian Ambassador Naceur Mestiri.
12.45 p.m. The President receives a group of students from St Martin's College, accompanied by a group of visiting Japanese students.
7 The President presides over the launching of the publication entitled Mas-Sebh Ghasafar by John Cremona.

10 a.m. The President and Mrs de Marco present donations on behalf of the Malta Community Chest Fund to various institutions and individuals, at the Palace, Valletta.
Noon The President presides over a press conference on the 4th year report of the Commission for the Administration of Justice.
7.30 p.m. The President attends a literary evening of works by Professor Oliver Friggieri organised by the Animation and Communication Centre (CAK) in Birkirkara.

10 Mrs de Marco receives the president and council members of the Malta Hospice Movement at San Anton Palace.
11 The President receives the president and council members of the General Workers' Union at the Palace, Valletta.
Noon The President receives Yohei Sasakawa, president of the Nippon Foundation.
Noon Mrs de Marco unveils a commemorative plaque on the occasion of the refurbishment of the Gardens of Sir Paul Boffa Hospital in Floriana.
8 The President and Mrs de Marco host a concert organised by the Chamber of Engineers at San Anton Palace.

8 The President and Mrs de Marco host The President's Ball in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund, at the Palace, Valletta.

7.30 p.m. The President and Mrs de Marco host a reception on the 25th anniversary of Freedom Day at the Palace, Valletta.

For your diary

The Institute of Community Services is organising a 36-hour hair and beauty marthon in aid of the Multiple Sclerosis Society, YMCA and the Deaf Association, at Studio 7, Birkirkara By-Pass, Birkirkara, from today at 11 a.m. till tomorrow at 11 p.m.
A card party in aid of the Girl Guides Association is being held at the Imperial Hotel, Sliema, on Wednesday at 10 a.m. For bookings phone 2122-4811 or 9948-9797.
Ward u ZagHar is organising a talk by Joyce Borg from the Consumer Department, at the Centru Hidma Socjali, St Venera, on Wednesday at 7 p.m.
A sale of antique and old furniture is being held at St Helen parish centre, Birkirkara, on Thursday and Friday from 5 to 7.30 p.m., on Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon and from 4.30 to 7.30 p.m., and on Sunday from 9 till noon.
The Little Sisters of the Poor is organising a bazaar at the home for the elderly in Hamrun on Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1.30 to 6 p.m.
The Malta Catholic Action is organising an Easter lunch at the Qawra Palace Hotel on April 4 at 1 p.m. For bookings please phone 2122-2239.
The Padre Pio Information Centre is organising a trip to St Pio of Pietrelcina, Italy, on April 12-14. The group will also be visiting Pompei and Cassano. For more information call 2123-1446 or 2124-5528.

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