Last year I had written a letter in your newspaper appealing to seamstresses to help at the YMCA Homeless Shelter in Valletta. The response was overwhelming to the extent that some offers had to be turned down.

This time my appeal is for handymen, plumbers and electricians to help in the same premises. The appeal is for these persons to offer their services for free for about three hours once a month. Every household needs continuous maintenance, more so the Homeless Shelter, which looks after a large number of people of different ages and backgrounds at any one time.

Today nobody seems to have enough time, yet if you want something done, you give it to a busy person. This implies that one has to make time. So my appeal is for persons in these trades to make three hours a month and offer their services for a good cause. Kindly leave your phone number and trade on tel. 2124-0680 or 2123-5197. You will be contacted with further details.

I take the opportunity to thank your readers who always respond to my appeals.

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