The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage said it cannot find justification in a request to build residential units in an outside development zone in Xagħra. 

The planning application PA/6072/23, filed by Philip Azzopardi and architect Alexander Bigeni, is seeking permission to build two terraced houses of two storeys each in a vacant plot in Triq San Anard in Xagħra. 

The site is located outside of the development zone and in a mostly rural environment. 

Plans for the proposed terraced houses filed to the PA. Photo: Alexander Bigeni/Planning AuthorityPlans for the proposed terraced houses filed to the PA. Photo: Alexander Bigeni/Planning Authority

In an objection sent to the Planning Authority, the SCH said the plot is in an area of both rural and cultural interest and is located next to a vernacular building of "significant cultural heritage interest". 

It pointed out that the applicant had not provided any justification for the site to be turned into a residential development when it is located entirely in ODZ.

"The superintendence notes with concern that the proposed development would undeniably impact on the perception of the cultural landscape and the adjacent vernacular building," the watchdog said. 

The Environment and Resources Authority has also objected to the application, saying that the proposal would result in a significant take-up of ODZ land, the intensification of built structures in a rural area and the removal of existing trees and vegetation. 

"Approval of this proposal would also lead to the possibility of increased pressures for similar developments within the rural area," they said.

Environmental NGO Għawdix has also objected to the development, saying that if approved, it would create blank party walls on either side of the dwelling. 

They said the development does not meet any criteria in the ODZ policy and design guidance. This document states that "permission may be granted for a limited extension to an existing dwelling outside of the development zone". 

In stark contrast, this application is for an entirely new development, the group said. 

The application has yet to receive a formal recommendation on whether it should be refused or accepted by the PA. The PA is accepting objections to the proposal until tomorrow, November 17. It is scheduled to be discussed by the PA board on February 5. 


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