Every household in Malta will be receiving a six-page information booklet explaining the basics of the COVID-19 virus, including how to protect yourself from it, why quarantine is important and what to do if you develop symptoms. 

The booklet includes both English and Maltese language versions and has been developed by the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate. 
Distribution of the booklet begins on Saturday and will continue over the coming days.

“Please read well and follow advice,” Health Minister Chris Fearne tweeted, in a social media post promoting it. 

The booklet seeks to answer some common questions about the novel coronavirus, including how it is spread, how people can protect themselves and who must undergo mandatory quarantine. 

It also includes some tips on keeping busy while locked indoors and urges people to remain at home and contact the 111 helpline if they develop COVID-19 symptoms. People with symptoms are assessed on a case-by-case basis and testing is done by appointment only. 

Malta has 64 confirmed COVID-19 cases so far. Two of those patients have since recovered while one has developed complications but has not required intensive hospital care. 

To limit the spread of the virus, authorities have shut down schools, bars, restaurants and other places where the public gathers and urged people to remain at home where possible. 

As of Saturday, no incoming flights to Malta are allowed. 

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