If consumers have a dispute with a trader, before they file a complaint with the Office for Consumer Affairs, they should first inform the trader about the problem in writing and give them a reasonable amount of time to check the problem and offer an acceptable remedy, without however causing the consumers a significant inconvenience. When disputes are unresolved, consumers may file a complaint with the Office for Consumer Affairs.

In view of the current extraordinary situation, to safeguard the health of the public and of the staff at the Office for Consumer Affairs, consumers who need to register a complaint against a trader are encouraged to use the online complaint form which may be accessed through the following link: mccaa.org. mt/home/complaint.

Consumers can also send an e-mail with their details, the trader’s details and a description of their complaint to: info@mccaa.org.mt.

Together with the complaint details, consumers should also send a copy of the proof of purchase, a copy of the written communication sent to the trader and of any other documentation and evidence related to the dispute.

Consumers who do not have an e-mail account or internet access may call the Office for Consumer Affairs on 2395 2000 or freephone 8007 4400 for further information and assistance on how to proceed with their complaint.


Odette Vella, Director, Information and Research Directorate

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